Programs for Schools — Karma Dance Inc.

Our innovative classical Indian dance education program has been adopted by over 20 schools in Australia

If you are a school teacher or educational organisation/society - please contact us for further information on how classical Indian dance can be integrated into your educational activities.

Our programs include:

  • short one-off workshops;

  • instructional performances/demonstrations; and

  • a medium/long-term tuition syllabus complete with assessment and evaluation.

Cards from children that have attended our programs:


"You truly provided the class with a vibrant, living picture steeped in a rich cultural tradition that they and I will always remember" - class 5 teacher, Melbourne

"Govind, it was such a thrill to have you at school. Everyone just adored what you did. We would love to have you back next year as well" - class 5 teacher, country Victoria

"The children, parents and class community who experienced your work were most impressed by your skill, expressiveness, manner with the children and your ability to bring such a wonderfully rich cultural experience" - primary teacher, Melbourne